Square Stone Ring

This project is from Stage 7 of the Silver program at Jewellery Training Solutions, a stage dedicated to learning settings for various shaped stones. I thought the last project was difficult, but this one was even more so! There are easier ways to make this setting (for instance, using a square bezel block), but Peter teaches the traditional fabrication. It’s very difficult to get the size of the setting just right.

These projects are getting much more difficult, but with each one I can feel my skills grow and it is very exciting!

Two Square Stone Ring-8327.jpg

What were the challenges?

The most challenging part of this project was definitely making the setting, getting it actually square and the correct size. I made four of them before I was able to get something that worked. I also struggled with cutting the seat for the stone and getting the stone to sit flat without rocking.

Where could I improve?

I’m happy with how I was finally able to set the stone, although the setting is just slightly off. Also, when cutting out the sections in the bezel for the castle-type setting, I realized when I was photographing that one of them is off center. I checked when I was making it, but just missed that, unfortunately.

What did I learn?

I really do understand now how to make a tapered setting. I also learned how something can be just the smallest bit off and make a dramatic difference! I also learned a super cool way of holding the setting in when soldering - burring a small hole on both the setting and shoulder of the ring, and making a small silver ball to place in there (no need to solder it in place).